What’s New on WomensLaw.org
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August 2016
We added the crime of criminal invasion of privacy to our West Virginia Crimes page and Statutes page.
We updated the contact information for more than 60 organizations on our Georgia State and Local Programs page in English and Spanish.
We updated and significantly edited our Utah Stalking Injunctions page.
We added a law about housing protections for victims to our Michigan Statutes page. More information coming soon to our Michigan Housing Laws page.
We added the Spanish translation to the recently-added question about retroactive child support in our North Carolina Child Support page.
We created a state-specific Divorce page in Kansas by adding three new questions regarding alimony, grounds for divorce, and residency requirements; and updated the links to outside sources for additional information. We also added the three corresponding statutes to our Statutes page.
In English and Spanish, we added a question to our California Civil Harassment Orders page called How can a civil harassment order help me? and we added information to the question How much does a civil harassment order cost?
July 2016
We updated out Arizona Download Court Forms page in Spanish and English.
We improved our Connecticut Crimes page by hyperlinking 26 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
Based on legislative changes in Colorado, we added information in English about abuse of an at-risk adult to What is the legal definition of abuse of the elderly or an at-risk adult?
We improved our Oregon Crimes page by hyperlinking 4 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
With funding from the Digital Trust Foundation, we created a new section called Technology Misuse under our Learn About Abuse tab in which we talk about civil and criminal options for dealing with technology abuse. We also re-wrote the definitions of stalking and cyberstalking on our Stalking/Cyberstalking page. Spanish translation soon to come.
We improved our Delaware Crimes page by hyperlinking 21 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
We updated the listings in English and Spanish on our Oklahoma Lawyer Referral Services page.
We improved our Texas Crimes page by adding 4 different crimes and linking them to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
We translated into Spanish our new Sexual Assault Restraining Order page in New Jersey, which was created in English in June.
We improved our Hawaii Crimes page by hyperlinking 16 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
We updated our Alabama Download Court Forms page.
We improved our Virgin Islands Crimes page by hyperlinking 8 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
We added a new resource, Womenstepforward.org, to our National Organizations - International/Immigration section in Spanish and English.
We improved our Idaho Crimes page by hyperlinking 2 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
We updated our Alabama Know the Laws section based on legislative changes, adding information about requirements when filing on behalf of a minor against the minor’s other parent to Can a minor get a PFA order? and Who is eligible for a protection from abuse (PFA) order? to our Protection from Abuse Orders section. In our Custody section, we re-wrote the question I am the child’s grandparent. Can I get visitation? based on changes to the law and added the question What factors will a judge consider when deciding if a grandparent can get visitation? We also added the two related statutes to our Statutes page.
In our State Gun Laws sections, we updated the answer to the question “What will happen if the abuser tries to purchase a gun?” for 51 states and territories in English and Spanish.
Thanks to help from the Texas Council on Family Violence, we made some changes to our Texas Family Violence Protective Orders page, revising various questions and adding information about the new law regarding automatic extensions of orders.
We improved our Iowa Crimes page by hyperlinking 1 crime to its definition on our State Statutes page.
In Maine, we added three new crimes to our Statutes and Crimes pages. We also added a question called If the child was conceived from a sexual assault, can the offender’s rights be terminated? to the Custody page and updated various questions on our Restraining Orders pages based on legislative additions.
California passed a new law allowing victims of abuse to separate their cell phone accounts from the abuser’s and keep their cell phone number. We added the law to our California Statutes page and added information about this to the question How can a DVRO help me? in English and Spanish.
We improved our Kentucky Crimes page by hyperlinking 25 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
We added a question about retroactive child support in English to the North Carolina Child Support page.
We added the crime of custodial interference to our Kentucky Crimes page and Statutes page.
We improved our Maryland Crimes page by hyperlinking 6 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
In response to an inquiry on the Email Hotline, we added the crime of domestic criminal trespass to our North Carolina Statutes page and Crimes page.
We improved our Alabama Crimes page by hyperlinking 21 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
We improved our Massachusetts Crimes page by hyperlinking 1 crime to its definition on our State Statutes page.
In the U.S. Virgin Islands Statutes page, we added 5 statutes that correspond with the Stalking Protection Orders page.
We improved our Spanish and English Arizona Crimes page by hyperlinking 3 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
We improved our Michigan Crimes page by hyperlinking 4 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
In Texas, we added a new question to our Custody page called If the other parent’s new partner is abusive or a registered sex offender, do I have the right to know?, and updated various other questions throughout the Know the Laws section based on legislative changes. All changes were made in English and Spanish.
We improved our Spanish and English Arkansas Crimes page by hyperlinking 16 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
We improved our Minnesota Crimes page by hyperlinking 5 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
We added two child abduction crimes to our Maryland Crimes page in English and Spanish.
We improved our Spanish and English Colorado Crimes page by hyperlinking 5 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
We improved our Spanish and English Nevada Crimes page by hyperlinking 2 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
June 2016
We updated the information for 24 sheriff departments on our Wyoming Sheriff Departments page.
We updated and added new resources to our Alaska Sheriff Departments page, totaling 34 resources in all.
In Kentucky, we updated our Statewide Programs page and added 7 new resources to our Finding a Lawyer page.
We added two new crimes to our Wisconsin Crimes page.
We included more information in our U Visa section about the cooperation that is required from a victim when getting a certification, in Spanish and English.
We translated the Washington, D.C. State Gun Laws into Spanish and now the Spanish translation of Washington, D.C. is complete!
After translating the Moving to Another State with Your Domestic Violence Order for Protection and Enforcing your Out-Of-State Order in Washington into Spanish, the Spanish translation of Washington State
We updated and significantly edited our Utah Protective Orders page.
We improved our Alaska Crimes page by hyperlinking 29 different degrees of crimes to their definitions on our State Statutes page.
We added 7 new resources to our DC Sheriff Departments page in Spanish and English.
May 2016
We updated the Georgia Moving to Another State with a Family Violence Protective Order and Enforcing Your Out-of-State Order in Georgia sections in English and translated the sections into Spanish. The translation of the entire state of Georgia into Spanish is now complete!
We updated our Safety in Court and Safety with Social Media pages in English.
We translated into Spanish the final 6 questions that were revised in English in April 2016, thereby completing the translation of the Custody section in Illinois.
We added new resources to the Mississippi Legal Assistance page - Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers Project, Mississippi Immigrant Rights Alliance Legal Project, and Catholic Charities Legal Assistance Clinic. We also updated our Lawyer Referral Services page in Mississippi.
We updated and edited the Washington, D.C. State Gun Laws page in English.
We translated into Spanish the Moving to Another State with a Civil Protection Order section in and the Enforcing your out-of-state order in D.C. from the Washington, D.C. Restraining Orders pages.
We translated the following sections in Washington into Spanish: Housing Laws, Crimes, and Divorce.
WomensLaw thanks Kristy Oriol, Policy Specialist at the Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence for her suggestions to our Nevada State Gun Laws page!
We added new information in English to our Florida Suing Your Abuser page regarding the rights of a victim of sexual cyberharassment to sue the perpetrator.
Check out our rewritten New Mexico State Gun Laws page! (Spanish translation soon to come.)
We updated the links on our Alabama Divorce page.
We updated the resource information on our Iowa Statewide Programs page.
We added information about fees for service of all three types of personal protection orders (PPO) in Michigan to our Restraining Orders page.
We translated the Washington, D.C. Civil Protection Orders (for victims of stalking and sexual assault / abuse), Confidentiality Laws, Housing Laws, and Crimes sections into Spanish!
We updated the information in English and Spanish on our general Parental Kidnapping page.
April 2016
We added the crime of custodial interference and the penalties for harassment and stalking to our South Carolina Crimes page.
We translated into Spanish the recently-revised Nevada Custody and Parental Kidnapping sections. (The English updates were made in March 2016).
We added a new question to our Maine Custody page called If I plan to relocate, what type of notice do I need to give to the other parent? and added information to the question called Can a final order be changed? What about if I want to relocate?
We updated the links on our Arkansas Divorce page in English and Spanish.
We translated our recently-revised Washington State Gun Laws page into Spanish (the section was completely revised in English in December 2015).
We updated the information on our Safety Tips for Stalking Victims page in English and Spanish.
We added the crime of non-consensual dissemination of private sexual images to our Illinois Spanish Crimes page.
We revised and reorganized the information on our Delaware State Gun Laws page.
We updated our New York Download Court Forms page in English and Spanish.
We completely revamped our Illinois Custody page in English, adding multiple questions and revising the whole section based on 2016 changes to Illinois law.
We updated our Delaware Download Court Forms page.
We added new information to our New York Orders of Protection section about the ability to file a petition for an order of protection or a modification petition in the criminal court when the family court is closed. We also improved the information on our New York Divorce, Parental Kidnapping and Custody pages - all changes were made in English and Spanish.
We updated links on our Divorce pages in Alaska, South Dakota, Guam, Hawaii, Georgia, and New Mexico (with the last two states also being updated in Spanish).
We translated into Spanish the Enforcing your out-of-state order in D.C. section in the Washington, D.C. Restraining Orders pages.
In response to an Email Hotline inquiry, we added the law about criminal statutes of limitations to our New York Statutes page.
We added the Spanish translation for 4 questions on our New Jersey Domestic Violence Restraining Orders page, which were revised in English in February 2016.
We revised and reorganized the information on our Wisconsin State Gun Laws page and added new questions about extending a restraining order in three different sections on our Wisconsin Restraining Orders page.
We added the crime of extortion to the Iowa Crimes page and Statutes page.
We added two new resources, VictimConnect and Journey Out, in Spanish and English to our National Organizations page and updated 5 other resources.
We added information in English and Spanish to our New York Custody page about a parent’s ability to get custody/visitation if convicted of sexual assault or murder - see Can a parent who committed domestic violence/sexual assault get custody or visitation?
March 2016
We added a new resource for victims of crime - The D.C. Victim Hotline to our Washington, D.C. Crimes page in English.
We made some edits to our Federal Gun Laws page in English and Spanish - adding information from the Supreme Court case, United States v. Castleman, and other additional information.
We completely revised the Nevada State Gun Laws page in English, improving the information on the page. (The Spanish translation is coming soon!)
We updated the information on our Nevada Download Court Forms page in Spanish and English.
We added the Spanish translation for our Suing Your Abuser pages in Washington, D.C., Georgia, and Washington.
In New York, we added 5 new crimes to our Crimes page, separated all 25 crimes into degrees and hyperlinked each crime by degree to our Statutes page. We also greatly improved the question What is the legal definition of domestic violence (“family offenses”) in New York? in our Orders of Protection section by hyperlinking each of the 32 family offenses to the corresponding criminal statutes. All changes were made in English and Spanish.
We added the New Hampshire Bar Association Program to our New Hampshire Statewide Programs page, updated the description for the Vermont Network Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence on the Vermont Statewide Programs page, updated the description for the Ohio Domestic Violence Network on the Ohio Statewide Programs page, and updated the description for the West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence Central Service Office on the West Virginia Statewide Programs page.
We updated the information in our Safety with an Abuser, Getting Ready to Leave, and Safety in Rural Areas pages in English and Spanish.
We updated and edited the Internet Security page in the Staying Safe section of the website in Spanish (the English was edited in February 2016).
We updated our Sexual Assault/Rape page in English and Spanish.
Based on major changes to New York law, we re-wrote (in English and Spanish) the question in our New York Divorce page called Can I get maintenance (spousal support)? and we added a new question called If I am granted post-divorce maintenance, for how many years can I expect to receive it?
We added content to our North Carolina Civil No-Contact Orders for Victims of Registered Sex Offenders (“50D orders”) page and our North Carolina Statutes page.
We re-wrote our entire Nevada Custody page in English, adding information based on recent legislative changes. We also revised our Nevada Parental Kidnapping page.
We updated our Preparing Your Case page in English and Spanish.
We added a Stalking Protection Orders page to the U.S. Virgin Islands Restraining Orders page.
February 2016
In response to an inquiry about the topic on the Email Hotline, we added the crime called dissemination of an unlawful image to our Nevada Statutes page and Crimes page. We also added 7 crimes to our Spanish Crimes page, which had previously been added to the English Crimes page.
We added the crimes of posting a private image for harassment and posting a private image for pecuniary gain to our Colorado Statutes page and Crimes page.
In the Preparing for Court section, we updated our Legal Definitions page, in English and Spanish.
In response to an inquiry on the Email Hotline about the distribution of intimate images in Delaware, We added the statute called violation of privacy to our Delaware Statutes page and Crimes page.
In our New Hampshire Custody and Divorce sections, we updated the links to outside websites. We also added information about the best interest factors considered by a judge in custody cases to our NH Statutes page.
We translated Georgia State Gun Laws into Spanish (after having revised the content in this section in September 2015).
We updated and edited the Internet Security page in the Staying Safe section of the website in English.
We updated and edited our Federal Gun Laws page in English and Spanish. We also updated the corresponding federal statutes on our Federal Statutes page.
We updated the links on our Helping Others Doctors and Health Care Workers section in English and Spanish.
Thanks to input from Anu Abraham, Esq., Staff Attorney at the New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence, we significantly improved the information on our New Jersey Restraining Orders page (Spanish translation soon to come!)
We updated all of the resources on our Guam Finding a Lawyer page and Courthouse Locations page.
We updated all of the resources in English and Spanish on our Nevada Where to Find Help page, including 33 state and local programs, 5 organizations under Finding a Lawyer, and 21 Courthouse Locations.
We improved the English and Spanish content in 18 states/territories in the State Gun Laws section for the questions “What is the difference between state and federal gun laws?” and “Who do I notify if I think the abuser should not have a gun?” (The other 36 states/territories were completed in January 2016.)
January 2016
On our Minnesota Harassment Restraining Orders page, we added information on violations in the Violation of a harassment restraining order section and added statutes to our Minnesota statutes page.
On our Arizona Domestic Violence Protection Orders page, we improved the information contained in What types of protection orders are there? How long do they last? in English and Spanish.
Based on an Email Hotline inquiry, we added 4 new statutes to our Montana Statutes page regarding enforcement and registration of a foreign custody order.
We improved the English content in 36 states in the State Gun Laws section for the questions “What is the difference between state and federal gun laws?” and “Who do I notify if I think the abuser should not have a gun?” We will now begin updating this same content in the remaining 18 states, in Spanish and English.
We updated our California Housing Laws section in English and Spanish based on changes to California law that became effective 1/1/16.
On our Pennsylvania Custody page, we added a new question called If my child was conceived from sexual assault, can the offender get custody or visitation? and added much more information to the existing question, Can a parent who committed violence get custody or visitation? All changes were made in English and Spanish. We also added three related statutes to our PA Statutes page.
In response to an Email Hotline inquiry, we added a statute about annulment to our North Carolina Statutes page.
We significantly edited our North Dakota Protection Orders page and added relevant statutes to our ND Statutes page.
December 2015
We added the crimes of stalking in the first degree and stalking in the second degree to our Kentucky Crimes page.
We added 4 new statutes to our Louisiana Statutes page related to Louisiana’s new sexual assault protective orders. Next, we will create a new page in our Know the Laws section to explain the laws in “plain language.”
We significantly edited our Washington State Gun Laws page and added relevant statutes to our WA Statutes page.
We added a new crime to our Maine Statutes page and Crimes page called the Unauthorized dissemination of certain private images, which was added to Maine law in October 2015.
A new law became effective in October 2015 in North Carolina, which created a civil no contact order for victims of sex offenses where the offender was convicted of the offense in criminal court and ordered to register as a sex offender. WomensLaw.org added the 11 relevant statutes to our NC Statutes page along with a note to our website visitors to explain that a new page will soon be created.
We updated all of the non-legal organizations (more than 100 of them!) that are listed on our New York State and Local Programs page, adding descriptions of the services offered for every listing and adding many new listings.
We added new information in Spanish and English to the question Can I get my child’s medical expenses included in the order? in our North Carolina Child Support section based on a clarification in North Carolina’s laws regarding what is a “reasonable cost” for health coverage for a child. We also updated various other questions on the North Carolina Know the Laws pages based on other statutory changes.
We edited and updated our LGBTQ Victims page (formerly the Same-Sex Abuse page).