WomensLaw sirve y apoya a todas las personas sobrevivientes sin importar su sexo o género.

: Dakota del Sur

Estatutos Seleccionados: South Dakota

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28 de noviembre de 2023

22-22-7. Sexual contact with child under sixteen--Felony or misdemeanor

Any person, sixteen years of age or older, who knowingly engages in sexual contact with another person, other than that person’s spouse if the other person is under the age of sixteen years is guilty of a Class 3 felony. If the victim is at least thirteen years of age and the actor is less than five years older than the victim, the actor is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Notwithstanding § 23A-42-2, a charge brought pursuant to this section may be commenced at any time before the victim becomes age twenty-five or within seven years of the commission of the crime, whichever is longer.