Step 1: Go to court to get the petition.
Go to the courthouse where you live, where you are temporarily staying if you left your residence to get away from the abuser, where the abuser lives, or where a civil case is currently pending between you and the abuser to get your petition.1 To find the courthouse address that you need, go to our AL Courthouse Locations page. At the courthouse, tell the clerk of court that you want to file a petition for a protection from abuse order. If you are in immediate danger, tell the clerk you also want an emergency (ex parte) order. The clerk will give you the forms. You will also find links to forms online at our AL Download Court Forms page.
Note: Remember to bring photo ID so that you can show it to the clerk when you have to sign your petition in front of the notary.
1 Ala. Code § 30-5-3(c)