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Legal Information: South Dakota

Statutes: South Dakota

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November 28, 2023

22-22-7.4. Sexual contact without consent with person capable of consenting--Misdemeanor or felony--Separate information

No person fifteen years of age or older may knowingly engage in sexual contact with another person other than his or her spouse who, although capable of consenting, has not consented to such contact. A violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor. A violation of this section by a person registered as a sex offender pursuant to chapter 22-24B at the time of the offense is a Class 6 felony.

An allegation that a defendant is registered as a sex offender pursuant to chapter 22-24B must be filed as a separate information at the time of, or before, arraignment. The separate information must state the time and place of the defendant’s conviction and the specific sex crime that resulted in the defendant’s conviction. The separate information must be signed by the prosecutor.