WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.

Legal Information: Tennessee


Laws current as of November 27, 2023

What are the grounds for divorce in Tennessee?

“Grounds” are legally acceptable reasons for divorce. A judge can grant you a divorce based on:

  1. irreconcilable differences; or
  2. if your spouse:
  • was impotent and incapable of reproducing at the time of the marriage;
  • married you while still married to someone else;
  • committed adultery (cheated on you);
  • deserted you or was absent for one year without a reasonable explanation;
  • was convicted of an “infamous crime;”
  • was convicted of a felony and sentenced to a prison/jail;
  • attempted to poison or kill you;
  • refused to move to Tennessee with you without a reasonable explanation and didn’t live with you for two years while you were living in Tennessee;
  • was pregnant with another person’s child at the time of marriage and you didn’t know;
  • began to habitually use drugs or alcohol starting after the date of your marriage;
  • engages in inappropriate marital conduct, cruel and inhuman treatment, or behavior that makes living together unsafe;
  • treats you so horribly that being with him/her is impossible and you have to leave;
  • abandons you or tells you to leave without any reason and does not support you financially; or
  • has lived separate from you in a different home, has not lived with you as a spouse, and does not have any minor children in common with you.1

1 TN ST § 36-4-101(a)