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Legal Information: Hawaii

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of January 11, 2024

Step 1: Call the appropriate office for assistance in filling out your petition/getting a TRO.

As soon as possible after the abuse occurs, you may want to call the local office or branch of the family court. They will schedule an appointment with you where they can help you to fill out your petition for an order for protection and get a temporary restraining order (TRO). Be prepared to provide details about the abuse, including physical and psychological abuse, verbal threats and property damage.

The following branches are open Monday - Friday, 7:45am - 3pm HST (except holidays). You can reach them at the following numbers:
• O`ahu - Family court temporary restraining order office - (808) 538-5959
• Hawai`i - Alternatives to violence branch of child and family services - (808) 969-7798
• Kaua`i - Family court office - (808) 482-2330
• Maui - Law library/Service center/Jury pool office - (808) 244-2706

Note: Some of these steps listed in this section may vary depending on what circuit you are in. You may want to contact the appropriate office listed above to make sure that you are taking the right steps.