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Legal Information: U.S. Virgin Islands


Laws current as of November 30, 2023

Who can file for custody?

Any person can petition the court for custody of a child, not just a parent. If there is no court order, the natural parents of the child are considered to have co-equal rights. Co-equal rights give both parents the same right to have physical or legal custody. Any person who wants physical or legal custody of a child must file a custody petition with the Family Division of the Superior Court. This petition would be served on all persons who have an interest in the custody of the child, typically the parents, and/or other persons with whom the child lives.

Many parents separate and never formalize custody. Often parents or caregivers are able to agree to a custody arrangement without involving the courts. However if there is a problem with the arrangement and the parents or caregivers do not agree, a custody order may be necessary.