WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.

Preparing for Court

Virtual Hearings

Updated: June 27, 2024

What technology do I need for a virtual hearing?

To join the hearing through video conferencing, you will need a device that has the ability to connect to the internet, a working camera, and a microphone. If you have more than one device, such as a computer, tablet, or phone, test them all to see which one works best for you. If you are using a cell phone that has a limited amount of data, check that you have enough data available.

If you prefer to join the hearing through audio/phone only, check with the court ahead of time to see if this is an option in your area. If you are using a cell phone with a limited number of minutes, make sure that you have enough minutes available.

Regardless of how you are joining the hearing, be aware of battery life for any device you will be using. Keep electronics connected to a charger, if possible. If you need assistance to participate in a virtual hearing, you should let the court know ahead of time. In addition, be sure to communicate any accommodations or needs you have to the court due to any disabilities that you may have.