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Información Legal: Luisiana

Órdenes de Restricción

Ver Todo
Leyes actualizadas al 21 de noviembre de 2023

Paso 1: Llene los formularios necesarios y preséntelos ante la corte.

Para comenzar su caso, deberá llenar los formularios necesarios. Puede conseguir los formularios en la corte o los puede descargar de nuestra página LA Formularios Judiciales y llenarlos en casa.

En los formularios, usted es el/la “peticionario/a” y la persona agresora es el/la “demandado/a”. Lea cuidadosamente la petición y haga preguntas a el/la secretario/a de la corte si no entiendo algo. Escriba sobre los incidentes de violencia más recientes, usando lenguaje descriptivo como abofeteando, pegando, agarrando, ahorcando, amenazando, etc., que le aplique a su situación. Sea específico/a. Incluya detalles y fechas, de ser posible. 

Una organización contra la violencia doméstica también puede ayudarle a llenar los formularios. Vea LA Intercesoras y Albergues para encontrar una organización cerca de usted.

Do not sign the application until you have shown it to a clerk. The form may need to be notarized or signed in the presence of court personnel, which will likely require you to have photo identification.

Paso 2: Un juez revisará su petición y le puede otorgar una TRO.

After you finish filing your paperwork, the clerk will forward it to a judge. The judge may wish to ask you questions as s/he reviews your petition. The judge will decide whether or not to issue the temporary restraining order (TRO) and will set a court date for a full hearing for a protective order. The court may issue you a TRO during an ex parte hearing without the abuser present if there is an “immediate and present danger of abuse.” The judge must consider any and all past history of abuse, or threats of abuse, in determining whether or not there is an immediate and present danger of abuse. (There is no requirement that the abuse itself be recent, immediate, or present.)1 You will be given a copy of your petition, along with papers that state the time and date of your hearing for a long-term protective order.

By the end of the next business day, the clerk will get the order entered into the Louisiana Protective Order Registry and send a copy of it to the chief law enforcement officer of the parish where you live.2

1 LA R.S. 46:2135(A)
2 LA R.S. 46:2135(H)

Paso 3: Notificación

The clerk will give a copy of the petition and the TRO to the sheriff’s office to serve the abuser. Remember, your protective order is not valid until the abuser has been served with it. The abuser must be notified and have the opportunity to be present in court on the date and time of the hearing and informed of any temporary or emergency orders that a judge has granted you.

Usually the court will send copies of the order and notice of hearing to the police or sheriff, but in some areas you may have to bring the papers to the sheriff or police yourself. You may want to ask the court clerk or a domestic violence organization for more information about serving the abuser. By the end of the next business day, the clerk will also get the order entered into the Louisiana Protective Order Registry and send a copy of it to the chief law enforcement officer of the parish where you live.1

Do not try and serve the abuser in person with the papers yourself.

You can find more information about service of process in our Preparing for Court – By Yourself section, in the question called What is service of process and how do I accomplish it?

1 LA R.S. 46:2136(H)

Paso 4: La audiencia judicial

You must go to this hearing if you want to get a final protective order. If you do not go to the hearing, your temporary order will expire and you will have to start the process over. If the abuser does not show up for the hearing, the judge may still grant you a long-term protective order, or the judge may order a new hearing date.  If you cannot go to the hearing at the scheduled time, you may call the court to ask how to get a continuance, but the judge may deny your request.

Es posible que quiera contratar a un/a abogado/a para que le ayude con su caso, especialmente si la persona agresora tiene uno/a. Si la persona agresora se presenta con un/a abogado/a y usted no tiene, pude pedirle a el/la juez/a un aplazamiento de fecha para que tenga tiempo de encontrar un/a abogado/a. Usted también puede representarse a sí mismo/a. Vea la sección Durante la Audiencia para información sobre cómo representarse por su cuenta. Puede conocer más sobre el sistema judicial nuestra sección Preparándose para la Corte – Por su Cuenta.