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Preparándose para la Corte

Audiencias Virtuales

Actualizada: 27 de junio de 2024

What do I need to know about the language interpretation or closed captioning features?

If your primary language isn’t English, find out whether the court will be using a live interpreter or if you have to use the interpretation features included on the virtual hearing platform. If the court is using the platform’s interpretation features, test the features out ahead of time if you can. Are there different options available if you download the app versus logging in through your web browser?

If you need to use the closed captioning feature because you are hard of hearing or for any other reason, make sure you know how to turn it on. If possible, try testing it out with a friend or family member to see if the captions are high quality and to make sure that it works.

For both features, language interpretation and closed captioning, you will want to be comfortable using them before your hearing begins.