Provides free and confidential services to those affected by sexual assault, domestic violence or other violent crimes in Madison County and surrounding communities. Services are available to all victims and their family, regardless of when the abuse or crime occurred or whether they choose to report it to the police. We provide: 24-Hour Hotline; support, information/referrals; Safe Dwelling for victims of domestic violence (physical, emotional and sexual) or rape/sexual assault who need immediate safety; Short-term Crisis Counseling; Support, accompaniment and advocacy with legal/medical proceedings - advocates will meet rape/sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking victims at area hospitals or police agencies to provide crisis intervention and systems’ assistance; Basic legal information and help with filling our orders of protection, child custody, and other petitions for Family Court on an emergency and non-emergency basis; and more.
Local Programs
This page has contact information for programs that offer help/referrals to victims of abuse throughout the state. If you plan to contact a program via email, please review our Safety when using email page first.
Have a suggestion or correction? Contact us!
Please note that we list the organizations by the town, city or county where the office is located – however, many offices serve multiple towns or counties. You can click the “View All” to look through the complete list of organizations. If you are looking for an attorney to represent you in court or to give you legal advice about your situation, go to our Finding a Lawyer page instead.
Liberty Resource, Inc. - Victims of Violence Program
Willow Domestic Violence Center
Willow Center provides a full-continuum of free and confidential services, including: 24/7 Crisis and Support Hotline; Short-term Counseling; Court Accompaniment; 49-bed Emergency Shelter; Children’s Programming; Prevention Education & Training. Our Mission is to prevent domestic violence and ensure every survivor has access to the services and supports needed along the journey to a safe and empowered life.
Catholic Charities of Fulton and Montgomery Counties
The following free and confidential services are available to victims of domestic violence and other crimes: crisis intervention and safety planning, individual supportive counseling, legal advocacy in family and criminal courts, community outreach and education, information and referrals, bilingual, bicultural staff and services, transportation to DSS, family and criminal court, women’s support group, 9-bed safe house, 24-hour hotline, victims’ rights assistance, 911 cell phone program, OVS claims assistance, and personal advocacy with a variety of other services, such as DSS, hospitals and doctors, housing and employment, Community Maternity Services, AIDS services, drug and alcohol treatment and others.