WomensLaw sirve y apoya a todas las personas sobrevivientes sin importar su sexo o género.
Estatutos Estatales Seleccionados: Dakota del Sur
Estatutos Seleccionados: South Dakota
28 de noviembre de 202321-65-14. Term of protection order--Amendment or extension
A protection order shall be for a fixed period of time not to exceed five years. The court may amend or extend an order at any time upon a petition filed by either party and after notice and a hearing. The court may extend an order if the court, after a hearing at which the respondent has the opportunity to be heard, finds that the respondent continues to pose a threat to the safety of the vulnerable adult, a person residing with the vulnerable adult, or a member of the vulnerable adult’s immediate family, or continues to present a risk of financial exploitation of the vulnerable adult. The number of extensions that the court may grant is not limited.
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