Estatutos Seleccionados: South Dakota
- Title 16. Courts and Judiciary
- Title 21. Judicial Remedies
- Chapter 21-65. Protection of Vulnerable Adults
- 21-65-1. Definitions
- 21-65-2. Petition for relief from vulnerable adult abuse--Affidavit--Contents
- 21-65-3. Ex parte temporary protection order
- 21-65-4. Rights of vulnerable adult in action brought by substitute petitioner
- 21-65-6. Guardian ad litem
- 21-65-7. Hearing on petition--Service of process
- 21-65-8. Continuance of ex parte temporary protection order
- 21-65-9. Temporary protection order effective until protection order served
- 21-65-10. Persons who may make showing for protection order
- 21-65-11. Relief available for vulnerable adult abuse
- 21-65-12. Relief available for financial exploitation
- 21-65-14. Term of protection order--Amendment or extension
- 21-65-19. Protection order--Violation as misdemeanor or felony
- Chapter 21-65. Protection of Vulnerable Adults
- Title 22. Crimes
- Chapter 22-1. Definitions and General Provisions
- Chapter 22-10. Riot and Unlawful Assembly
- Chapter 22-14. Unlawful Use of Weapons
- 22-14-15. Possession of firearm by one with prior violent crime conviction or certain drug-related conviction--Felony--Fifteen-year period
- 22-14-15.1 Possession of firearm by one with prior drug conviction--Felony--Exception
- 22-14-15.2 Possession of firearm by one convicted of misdemeanor crime involving domestic violence--Misdemeanor--Civil rights restored--Repeal of section--Order restoring rights
- Chapter 22-16. Homicide and Suicide
- Chapter 22-18. Assaults and Personal Injuries
- Chapter 22-19. Kidnapping
- Chapter 22-19A. Stalking
- 22-19A-1. Stalking as a misdemeanor.
- 22-19A-2. Violation of restraining order, injunction, or protection order as felony.
- 22-19A-3. Subsequent convictions as felony.
- 22-19A-4. Harasses defined.
- 22-19A-5. Course of conduct defined.
- 22-19A-6. A credible threat defined.
- 22-19A-7. Stalking a child twelve or younger -- Felony.
- 22-19A-8. Petition for protection order -- Procedures.
- 22-19A-8.1. Petition for protection order in which allegations support domestic abuse rather than stalking or physical injury
- 22-19A-9. Filing petition for protection -- Venue.
- 22-19A-10. Hearing on petition for protection -- Date -- Notice.
- 22-19A-11. Relief granted by protection order.
- 22-19A-12. Ex parte temporary order pending full hearing on petition for protection.
- 22-19A-12.1. Temporary order effective until protection order served
- 22-19A-13. Exceptional circumstances required before court action authorized.
- 22-19A-14. Modification of terms of protection order.
- 22-19A-15. Delivery of protection order to law enforcement agency -- Notice of order to officers.
- 22-19A-16. Violation of protection order -- Penalties.
- 22-19A-17. Defendant prohibited from contacting victim prior to court appearance.
- 22-19A-18. Bond--No contact terms--Misdemeanor
- Chapter 22-21. Invasions of privacy
- Chapter 22-22. Sex Offenses
- 22-22-1. Rape--Degrees--Penalty--Statute of limitations
- 22-22-7. Sexual contact with child under sixteen--Felony or misdemeanor
- 22-22-7.2. Sexual contact with person incapable of consenting--Felony
- 22-22-7.3. Sexual contact with child under sixteen years of age--Violation as misdemeanor
- 22-22-7.4. Sexual contact without consent with person capable of consenting
- 22-22-7.8. Sexual contact with child under eighteen--Position of authority--Penalty
- 22-22-45. Threatening to commit a sexual offense--Felony
- Chapter 22-24A. Child Pornography
- Chapter 22-30. Robbery
- Chapter 22-32. Burglary and Unlawful Entry
- Chapter 22-33. Arson
- Chapter 22-40. Identity Crimes
- Chapter 22-42. Controlled Substances and Marijuana
- 22-42-2. Unauthorized manufacture, distribution, counterfeiting or possession of Schedule I or II substances--Violation--Mandatory sentences
- 22-42-3. Unauthorized manufacture, distribution, counterfeiting or possession of Schedule III substances as felony--Mandatory sentences
- 22-42-4. Unauthorized manufacture, distribution, counterfeiting or possession of Schedule IV substances as felony--Mandatory sentences
- 22-42-7. Distribution or possession with intent to distribute specified amounts of marijuana
- 22-42-8. Obtaining possession of controlled substance by theft, misrepresentation, forgery, or fraud
- 22-42-9. Manufacture, distribution, or possession of equipment for making counterfeit controlled substance as felony
- 22-42-10. Keeping place for use or sale of controlled substances as felony
- 22-42-19. Drug free zones created--Violation as felony--Sentence--Defense
- Chapter 22-46. Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation of Elders or Adults with Disabilities
- Title 23. Law Enforcement
- Chapter 23-7. Firearms Control
- 23-7-7. Permit to carry concealed pistol--Statewide validity--Background investigation
- 23-7-7.1. Requirements for issuance of temporary permit--Time requirement--Appeal of denial
- 23-7-7.5. Active duty military personnel and spouses
- 23-7-45. Exceptions to prohibition against possession of pistols by minors
- Chapter 23-7. Firearms Control
- Title 25. Domestic Relations
- Chapter 4. Divorce and Separate Maintenance
- 25-4-2. Grounds for divorce
- 25-4-3. Adultery defined
- 25-4-4. Extreme cruelty defined
- 25-4-5. Willful desertion defined--Special conditions applicable
- 25-4-8. Refusal of intercourse as desertion--Refusal to live together
- 25-4-9. Desertion by departure during absence of spouse induced by fraud
- 25-4-10. Desertion by cruelty or threats causing departure of spouse
- 25-4-11. Separation by consent not desertion
- 25-4-12. Intent to desert formed during proper absence
- 25-4-13. Desertion by refusal of reconciliation after separation
- 25-4-15. Willful neglect defined
- 25-4-16. Habitual intemperance defined
- 25-4-17.1. Irreconcilable differences defined
- 25-4-17.2. Dissolution of marriage--Legal separation--Continuance--Orders during continuance--Consent of parties
- 25-4-30. Residence requirements for divorce or separate maintenance
- 25-4-45. Child custody provisions--Modification--Preference of child
- 25-4-45.3. Adoption of fee schedule for home studies or investigations ordered by court in custody proceedings
- 25-4-45.5. Consideration of domestic abuse and assault conviction in custody award
- 25-4-45.6. Consideration of conviction for death of other parent in custody award
- 25-4-52. Visitation rights for grandparents--Enforcement by circuit court
- 25-4-56. Custody and visitation disputes--Mediation order
- 25-4-59. Privacy of mediation proceedings
- 25-4-60. Confidentiality of mediation communications and mediator's work product
- 25-4-61. Written mediated agreement--Signing--Court approval
- 25-4-62. Recommendation by mediator to court upon parties' failure to agree
- 25-4-63. Custody and visitation disputes--Appointment of parenting coordinator
- 25-4-64. Parenting coordinator appointment at party request or on court’s own motion
- 25-4-69. Parenting coordinator fees and costs
- 25-4-70. Duties of parenting coordinator
- 25-4-72. Authority of court
- 25-4-74. Communications with parenting coordinator not confidential
- Chapter 25–4a. Custody and Visitation Rights
- 25-4A-1. Custody or visitation rights enforceable by contempt proceedings
- 25-4A-2. Written request for order to show cause for violation of visitation or custody decree--Hearing date
- 25-4A-4.1. Motion for enforcement of visitation rights--Hearing
- 25-4A-5. Sanctions for violation of custody or visitation decree
- 25-4A-9. Standard guidelines defined
- 25-4A-11. Plaintiff in custody action to file and serve guidelines--Guidelines as court order--Custody of minors
- 25-4A-12. Visitation agreement other than standard guidelines--Requirements
- 25-4A-13. Objections to custody or visitation order--Hearing--Temporary order
- 25-4A-14. Standard guidelines subject to certain court orders
- 25-4A-17. Notice required before relocating child--Exceptions
- 25-4A-18. Contents of notice of relocation
- 25-4A-19. Request for hearing on relocation--Presumption of consent--Best interests of child
- 25-4A-20. Presumption that granting custody or visitation rights to person causing conception by rape or incest not in best interest of child
- 25-4A-21. Joint physical custody--Consideration upon application--Findings
- 25-4A-24. Factors for consideration on request for joint physical custody
- 25-4A-25. Parental agreement for joint physical custody
- 25-4A-26. No presumption of joint physical custody
- 25-4A-27. Modification of existing orders
- Chapter 25–4b. Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act
- Chapter 25–5. Parent and Child
- 25-5-3. Presumption of parentage
- 25-5-7. Parents equally entitled to custody and earnings of child born in wedlock
- 25-5-7.1. Joint legal custody order--Factors for court's consideration
- 25-5-7.3. Parents to have equal access to records pertaining to child--Name and address of both parents to be listed
- 25-5-7.4. Written applications to enroll child in activity or program to provide name and address of other parent
- 25-5-7.5. Access to records and application requirements not applicable to certain parents
- 25-5-7.6. Parent sharing custody to foster other parent's relationship with child
- 25-5-10. Custody and earnings of children born out of wedlock
- 25-5-10.1. Best interest of child not presumed--Change of custody
- 25-5-18.1. Parental duty to support child
- 25-5-29. Person other than parent permitted to seek custody of child--Parent's presumptive right to custody--Rebuttal
- 25-5-30. Circumstances suggesting serious detriment to child
- Chapter 25–7. Support Obligations
- 25-7-6.2. Support obligation schedule
- 25-7-6.3. Determination of parents' monthly net income--Sources of income
- 25-7-6.4. Rebuttable presumption of employment at minimum wage
- 25-7-6.5. Assets considered when income insufficient
- 25-7-6.7. Allowable deductions from monthly gross income
- 25-7-6.10. Factors considered for deviation from schedule
- 25-7-6.15. Allocation of travel costs by court
- 25-7-6.16. Medical support--Insurance--Computation of costs--Apportionment between parents
- 25-7-6.18. Order allocating child care expenses
- 25-7-6.27. Shared parenting child support cross credit
- 25-7-7.1. Continuation of duty to support
- Chapter 25–7a. Collection of Child Support
- Chapter 10 Protection From Domestic Abuse
- 25-10-1 Definitions
- 25-10-2 Application for relief -- Filing -- Venue
- 25-10-3 Petition for protection order -- Parties -- Allegations -- Affidavit -- Pending action -- Standard petition form
- 25-10-3.1. Persons entitled to apply for protection order
- 25-10-3.2. Factors for determining significant romantic relationship
- 25-10-4 Hearing -- Time -- Service on respondent
- 25-10-5 Relief authorized on finding abuse -- Time limitation
- 25-10-5.1 Counseling required for domestic abuse defendant placed on probation
- 25-10-5.2 Restrictions on issuance of mutual orders for protection against abuse
- 25-10-5.3 Court to require instruction in parenting as part of sentence in certain convictions -- Exception
- 25-10-6. Ex parte temporary protection order
- 25-10-7 Limited duration of temporary order--Service on respondent
- 25-10-7.1 Temporary order effective until order under 25-10-5 served
- 25-10-8 Security not required of petitioner -- Exception
- 25-10-9 Departure of petitioner from household not waiving right to relief
- 25-10-10 Modification of order
- 25-10-11 Real estate titles not affected
- 25-10-12 Delivery of order to law enforcement agencies
- 25-10-12.1 Enforcement of foreign protective orders -- Requirements
- 25-10-12.2 Filing of foreign violence protection order -- Affidavit -- Entry in database -- Fee
- 25-10-12.3 Reliance on foreign order -- Immunity from liability
- 25-10-12.4 Presentment of false order or denial of service a misdemeanor
- 25-10-12.5 Affirmative defense
- 25-10-13 Violation of order as misdemeanor or felony
- 25-10-14 Citation of chapter
- 25-10-22 Effect of divorce or other civil proceedings prior to criminal proceedings
- 25-10-23 Conditional bond -- Violation as misdemeanor
- 25-10-24. Surrender of weapon by defendant
- 25-10-25 Convicted defendant prohibited from contacting victim
- 25-10-34 Domestic abuse charge to be indicated on warrant or summons
- 25-10-35 Arrest of spouse for abuse -- Considerations
- 25-10-36 Arrest of criminal suspect when responding to domestic abuse call
- 25-10-37. Domestic abuse record keeping
- 25-10-38 Report of domestic abuse arrest forwarded to prosecutor -- Victim to be notified of status of case
- 25-10-39 Records of domestic abuse -- Disclosure of victim's location during pendency of action
- 25-10-40 Restrictions on release of person charged with domestic abuse
- 25-10-41 Conditions of release of person charged with domestic abuse
- 25-10-42 Convicted child abuser or sex offender barred from adopting child
- Chapter 4. Divorce and Separate Maintenance
- Title 26. Minors
- Title 43. Property
28 de noviembre de 2023If an existing custody order or other enforceable agreement does not expressly govern the relocation of the principal residence of a child, a parent who intends to change his or her principal residence shall, provide reasonable written notice by certified mail or admission of service to the other legal parent of the child. Reasonable notice is notice that is given at least forty-five days before relocation or a shorter period if reasonable under the specific facts giving rise to the relocation. Proof of the notice shall be filed with the court of record unless notice is waived by the court.
No notice need be provided pursuant to this section if:
(3) There is an existing valid protection order in favor of the child or the custodial parent against the noncustodial parent unless the noncustodial parent has a valid order for parenting time established either in the protection order file or another custody proceeding subsequent to the entry of the protection order; or
(4) Within the preceding twelve months, the nonrelocating parent has been convicted of violation of a protection order, criminal assault, child abuse, or other domestic violence and either the child or the custodial parent was the victim of the crime or violation unless the noncustodial parent has a valid order for parenting time established subsequent to the conviction.