Estatutos Seleccionados: South Dakota
- Title 16. Courts and Judiciary
- Title 21. Judicial Remedies
- Chapter 21-65. Protection of Vulnerable Adults
- 21-65-1. Definitions
- 21-65-2. Petition for relief from vulnerable adult abuse--Affidavit--Contents
- 21-65-3. Ex parte temporary protection order
- 21-65-4. Rights of vulnerable adult in action brought by substitute petitioner
- 21-65-6. Guardian ad litem
- 21-65-7. Hearing on petition--Service of process
- 21-65-8. Continuance of ex parte temporary protection order
- 21-65-9. Temporary protection order effective until protection order served
- 21-65-10. Persons who may make showing for protection order
- 21-65-11. Relief available for vulnerable adult abuse
- 21-65-12. Relief available for financial exploitation
- 21-65-14. Term of protection order--Amendment or extension
- 21-65-19. Protection order--Violation as misdemeanor or felony
- Chapter 21-65. Protection of Vulnerable Adults
- Title 22. Crimes
- Chapter 22-1. Definitions and General Provisions
- Chapter 22-10. Riot and Unlawful Assembly
- Chapter 22-14. Unlawful Use of Weapons
- 22-14-15. Possession of firearm by one with prior violent crime conviction or certain drug-related conviction--Felony--Fifteen-year period
- 22-14-15.1 Possession of firearm by one with prior drug conviction--Felony--Exception
- 22-14-15.2 Possession of firearm by one convicted of misdemeanor crime involving domestic violence--Misdemeanor--Civil rights restored--Repeal of section--Order restoring rights
- Chapter 22-16. Homicide and Suicide
- Chapter 22-18. Assaults and Personal Injuries
- Chapter 22-19. Kidnapping
- Chapter 22-19A. Stalking
- 22-19A-1. Stalking as a misdemeanor.
- 22-19A-2. Violation of restraining order, injunction, or protection order as felony.
- 22-19A-3. Subsequent convictions as felony.
- 22-19A-4. Harasses defined.
- 22-19A-5. Course of conduct defined.
- 22-19A-6. A credible threat defined.
- 22-19A-7. Stalking a child twelve or younger -- Felony.
- 22-19A-8. Petition for protection order -- Procedures.
- 22-19A-8.1. Petition for protection order in which allegations support domestic abuse rather than stalking or physical injury
- 22-19A-9. Filing petition for protection -- Venue.
- 22-19A-10. Hearing on petition for protection -- Date -- Notice.
- 22-19A-11. Relief granted by protection order.
- 22-19A-12. Ex parte temporary order pending full hearing on petition for protection.
- 22-19A-12.1. Temporary order effective until protection order served
- 22-19A-13. Exceptional circumstances required before court action authorized.
- 22-19A-14. Modification of terms of protection order.
- 22-19A-15. Delivery of protection order to law enforcement agency -- Notice of order to officers.
- 22-19A-16. Violation of protection order -- Penalties.
- 22-19A-17. Defendant prohibited from contacting victim prior to court appearance.
- 22-19A-18. Bond--No contact terms--Misdemeanor
- Chapter 22-21. Invasions of privacy
- Chapter 22-22. Sex Offenses
- 22-22-1. Rape--Degrees--Penalty--Statute of limitations
- 22-22-7. Sexual contact with child under sixteen--Felony or misdemeanor
- 22-22-7.2. Sexual contact with person incapable of consenting--Felony
- 22-22-7.3. Sexual contact with child under sixteen years of age--Violation as misdemeanor
- 22-22-7.4. Sexual contact without consent with person capable of consenting
- 22-22-7.8. Sexual contact with child under eighteen--Position of authority--Penalty
- 22-22-45. Threatening to commit a sexual offense--Felony
- Chapter 22-24A. Child Pornography
- Chapter 22-30. Robbery
- Chapter 22-32. Burglary and Unlawful Entry
- Chapter 22-33. Arson
- Chapter 22-40. Identity Crimes
- Chapter 22-42. Controlled Substances and Marijuana
- 22-42-2. Unauthorized manufacture, distribution, counterfeiting or possession of Schedule I or II substances--Violation--Mandatory sentences
- 22-42-3. Unauthorized manufacture, distribution, counterfeiting or possession of Schedule III substances as felony--Mandatory sentences
- 22-42-4. Unauthorized manufacture, distribution, counterfeiting or possession of Schedule IV substances as felony--Mandatory sentences
- 22-42-7. Distribution or possession with intent to distribute specified amounts of marijuana
- 22-42-8. Obtaining possession of controlled substance by theft, misrepresentation, forgery, or fraud
- 22-42-9. Manufacture, distribution, or possession of equipment for making counterfeit controlled substance as felony
- 22-42-10. Keeping place for use or sale of controlled substances as felony
- 22-42-19. Drug free zones created--Violation as felony--Sentence--Defense
- Chapter 22-46. Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation of Elders or Adults with Disabilities
- Title 23. Law Enforcement
- Chapter 23-7. Firearms Control
- 23-7-7. Permit to carry concealed pistol--Statewide validity--Background investigation
- 23-7-7.1. Requirements for issuance of temporary permit--Time requirement--Appeal of denial
- 23-7-7.5. Active duty military personnel and spouses
- 23-7-45. Exceptions to prohibition against possession of pistols by minors
- Chapter 23-7. Firearms Control
- Title 25. Domestic Relations
- Chapter 4. Divorce and Separate Maintenance
- 25-4-2. Grounds for divorce
- 25-4-3. Adultery defined
- 25-4-4. Extreme cruelty defined
- 25-4-5. Willful desertion defined--Special conditions applicable
- 25-4-8. Refusal of intercourse as desertion--Refusal to live together
- 25-4-9. Desertion by departure during absence of spouse induced by fraud
- 25-4-10. Desertion by cruelty or threats causing departure of spouse
- 25-4-11. Separation by consent not desertion
- 25-4-12. Intent to desert formed during proper absence
- 25-4-13. Desertion by refusal of reconciliation after separation
- 25-4-15. Willful neglect defined
- 25-4-16. Habitual intemperance defined
- 25-4-17.1. Irreconcilable differences defined
- 25-4-17.2. Dissolution of marriage--Legal separation--Continuance--Orders during continuance--Consent of parties
- 25-4-30. Residence requirements for divorce or separate maintenance
- 25-4-45. Child custody provisions--Modification--Preference of child
- 25-4-45.3. Adoption of fee schedule for home studies or investigations ordered by court in custody proceedings
- 25-4-45.5. Consideration of domestic abuse and assault conviction in custody award
- 25-4-45.6. Consideration of conviction for death of other parent in custody award
- 25-4-52. Visitation rights for grandparents--Enforcement by circuit court
- 25-4-56. Custody and visitation disputes--Mediation order
- 25-4-59. Privacy of mediation proceedings
- 25-4-60. Confidentiality of mediation communications and mediator's work product
- 25-4-61. Written mediated agreement--Signing--Court approval
- 25-4-62. Recommendation by mediator to court upon parties' failure to agree
- 25-4-63. Custody and visitation disputes--Appointment of parenting coordinator
- 25-4-64. Parenting coordinator appointment at party request or on court’s own motion
- 25-4-69. Parenting coordinator fees and costs
- 25-4-70. Duties of parenting coordinator
- 25-4-72. Authority of court
- 25-4-74. Communications with parenting coordinator not confidential
- Chapter 25–4a. Custody and Visitation Rights
- 25-4A-1. Custody or visitation rights enforceable by contempt proceedings
- 25-4A-2. Written request for order to show cause for violation of visitation or custody decree--Hearing date
- 25-4A-4.1. Motion for enforcement of visitation rights--Hearing
- 25-4A-5. Sanctions for violation of custody or visitation decree
- 25-4A-9. Standard guidelines defined
- 25-4A-11. Plaintiff in custody action to file and serve guidelines--Guidelines as court order--Custody of minors
- 25-4A-12. Visitation agreement other than standard guidelines--Requirements
- 25-4A-13. Objections to custody or visitation order--Hearing--Temporary order
- 25-4A-14. Standard guidelines subject to certain court orders
- 25-4A-17. Notice required before relocating child--Exceptions
- 25-4A-18. Contents of notice of relocation
- 25-4A-19. Request for hearing on relocation--Presumption of consent--Best interests of child
- 25-4A-20. Presumption that granting custody or visitation rights to person causing conception by rape or incest not in best interest of child
- 25-4A-21. Joint physical custody--Consideration upon application--Findings
- 25-4A-24. Factors for consideration on request for joint physical custody
- 25-4A-25. Parental agreement for joint physical custody
- 25-4A-26. No presumption of joint physical custody
- 25-4A-27. Modification of existing orders
- Chapter 25–4b. Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act
- Chapter 25–5. Parent and Child
- 25-5-3. Presumption of parentage
- 25-5-7. Parents equally entitled to custody and earnings of child born in wedlock
- 25-5-7.1. Joint legal custody order--Factors for court's consideration
- 25-5-7.3. Parents to have equal access to records pertaining to child--Name and address of both parents to be listed
- 25-5-7.4. Written applications to enroll child in activity or program to provide name and address of other parent
- 25-5-7.5. Access to records and application requirements not applicable to certain parents
- 25-5-7.6. Parent sharing custody to foster other parent's relationship with child
- 25-5-10. Custody and earnings of children born out of wedlock
- 25-5-10.1. Best interest of child not presumed--Change of custody
- 25-5-18.1. Parental duty to support child
- 25-5-29. Person other than parent permitted to seek custody of child--Parent's presumptive right to custody--Rebuttal
- 25-5-30. Circumstances suggesting serious detriment to child
- Chapter 25–7. Support Obligations
- 25-7-6.2. Support obligation schedule
- 25-7-6.3. Determination of parents' monthly net income--Sources of income
- 25-7-6.4. Rebuttable presumption of employment at minimum wage
- 25-7-6.5. Assets considered when income insufficient
- 25-7-6.7. Allowable deductions from monthly gross income
- 25-7-6.10. Factors considered for deviation from schedule
- 25-7-6.15. Allocation of travel costs by court
- 25-7-6.16. Medical support--Insurance--Computation of costs--Apportionment between parents
- 25-7-6.18. Order allocating child care expenses
- 25-7-6.27. Shared parenting child support cross credit
- 25-7-7.1. Continuation of duty to support
- Chapter 25–7a. Collection of Child Support
- Chapter 10 Protection From Domestic Abuse
- 25-10-1 Definitions
- 25-10-2 Application for relief -- Filing -- Venue
- 25-10-3 Petition for protection order -- Parties -- Allegations -- Affidavit -- Pending action -- Standard petition form
- 25-10-3.1. Persons entitled to apply for protection order
- 25-10-3.2. Factors for determining significant romantic relationship
- 25-10-4 Hearing -- Time -- Service on respondent
- 25-10-5 Relief authorized on finding abuse -- Time limitation
- 25-10-5.1 Counseling required for domestic abuse defendant placed on probation
- 25-10-5.2 Restrictions on issuance of mutual orders for protection against abuse
- 25-10-5.3 Court to require instruction in parenting as part of sentence in certain convictions -- Exception
- 25-10-6. Ex parte temporary protection order
- 25-10-7 Limited duration of temporary order--Service on respondent
- 25-10-7.1 Temporary order effective until order under 25-10-5 served
- 25-10-8 Security not required of petitioner -- Exception
- 25-10-9 Departure of petitioner from household not waiving right to relief
- 25-10-10 Modification of order
- 25-10-11 Real estate titles not affected
- 25-10-12 Delivery of order to law enforcement agencies
- 25-10-12.1 Enforcement of foreign protective orders -- Requirements
- 25-10-12.2 Filing of foreign violence protection order -- Affidavit -- Entry in database -- Fee
- 25-10-12.3 Reliance on foreign order -- Immunity from liability
- 25-10-12.4 Presentment of false order or denial of service a misdemeanor
- 25-10-12.5 Affirmative defense
- 25-10-13 Violation of order as misdemeanor or felony
- 25-10-14 Citation of chapter
- 25-10-22 Effect of divorce or other civil proceedings prior to criminal proceedings
- 25-10-23 Conditional bond -- Violation as misdemeanor
- 25-10-24. Surrender of weapon by defendant
- 25-10-25 Convicted defendant prohibited from contacting victim
- 25-10-34 Domestic abuse charge to be indicated on warrant or summons
- 25-10-35 Arrest of spouse for abuse -- Considerations
- 25-10-36 Arrest of criminal suspect when responding to domestic abuse call
- 25-10-37. Domestic abuse record keeping
- 25-10-38 Report of domestic abuse arrest forwarded to prosecutor -- Victim to be notified of status of case
- 25-10-39 Records of domestic abuse -- Disclosure of victim's location during pendency of action
- 25-10-40 Restrictions on release of person charged with domestic abuse
- 25-10-41 Conditions of release of person charged with domestic abuse
- 25-10-42 Convicted child abuser or sex offender barred from adopting child
- Chapter 4. Divorce and Separate Maintenance
- Title 26. Minors
- Title 43. Property
28 de noviembre de 2023The notice required in § 25-4A-17 shall contain the following:
If a relocating parent is giving notice of relocation in compliance with subdivisions 25-4A-17(3) or (4), the address requirement in subdivision (1) of this section is fulfilled if the notice contains the city and state of the new residence.